ESP32-CAM (aithinker) and Shinobi camera recorder

Using the code in the previous post I can now place several ESP32’s around the house and stream them to my little server in the little room I have left in the house for this: near the fuse box. Installed a debian vm, and added a 2TB SSD drive for a little storage.

It is streamed to an installation of Shinobi (the ninja way) which is fairly easy to install as root:

apt install curl
sh <(curl -s

See more Shinobi stuff here:

Noteworthy settings to get an ESP32 working are:

Input Type MJPEG
Automatic No
Connection type HTTP
RTSP Transport Auto
Username <empty>
Password <empte>
Host (your IP on your network here)
Port 81
Force Port Yes
Path /stream
Retry Connection 0
Skip Ping Yes

The rest is up to you, but this should get your ESP32 camera connected.

Note: The ESP32 can handle 1 connection at a time, so don’t open it in a webbrowser and try to add it there, it won’t work. Let Shinobi do the connection and you’ll be fine to watch it or record it there.

Shinobi is a fine piece of software.

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