With the glass fiber in my home I got a louzy ethernet router from my isp Telfort.
Ofcourse I understand they want to keep things affordable for everyone so they hand out these routers free (free as in you lease them) with the connection that you order.
The -feeling- I have is that this thing is slow and/or lags. I haven’t exactly measured it, so it will stay a feeling.
Today I connected an older Sonicwall that I had laying around to play with to my home connection, and in my humble opinion it is a slightly better performing option for my home internet (100 Mbps).
In order to do this with this specific ISP, you have to create a Virtual interface on your main WAN interface, in my case X1.
Connect the ethernet cable that comes out of your fiber box to that X1 interface as well.
Now create a virtual interface (in Networking you can find this option) and apply the following settings:
Zone WAN
VLAN tag is 34 (-> ISP specific)
Parent interface X1
IP Assignment DHCP
Host name <empty>
Comment <Up to you>
Management and user login <is up to you>
This should get you going with a Sonicwall on your home.lan with Telfort fiber (in the Netherlands).
Perhaps this could help you too configure a Sonicwall with externally incoming VLANS (as internet connection?). Maybe you don’t use DHCP, but set it static, anyhows…
Hope this helps you,