Brilliant, the customer got a freshly installed Gen9 HP host with 112Gb mem.
My collegue installed it with VMware and seems to work fine.
But not for the datastores it is supposed to work with.
I wanted to add the datastores that are located on a HP P2000 storage unit.
Turns out it needs an extra driver.
Errors appeared with textst like: “ATS-Only VMFS volume ‘DATASTORE-NAME’ not mounted. Host does not support ATS or ATS initialization has failed.”
It sure failed. By missing a plugin that is.
The HP Software is in the form of zip file that needs to be uploaded to your host:
The VMware info can be found here:
The file can also be downloaded from this article -> hp_vaaip_p2000_210.
However, some things didn’t quite work out, such as the command “esxupdate –bundle”. Probably due to “old info”.
After some searching, the steps I followed to get it working, were as follows:
Download the HP zip file.
Open up your VMware host, and browse to the local datastore.
Upload your file to the local datastore.
Go to configuration, security profile, click SSH, properties, Start, OK.
You’ve now started the ssh server on your host.
SSH should now be started and you can now use an ssh client such as e.g. Putty to log in as root to the IP of your host.
perform the following commands:
mkdir /root mv /vmfs/volumes/yourdatastore/ /root/ cd /root/ unzip
Then, set the host in maintenance mode with:
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
Then install the software with:
esxcli software vib install -d
To find out that creates a set of errors (in my case). wtf.
I got:
[MetadataDownloadError] Could not download from depot at zip:/var/log/vmware/, skipping (('zip:/var/log/vmware/', '', "Error extracting index.xml from /var/log/vmware/ [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/log/vmware/'")) url = zip:/var/log/vmware/ Please refer to the log file for more details.
Fine! /var/log/vmware/ is missing.
Oh well, then we copy it there?
cp /root/ /var/log/vmware/
Then just perform the same command again in /root (don’t cd to /var/log/vmware/)
esxcli software vib install -d
To get:
Installation Result Message: Operation finished successfully. Reboot Required: false VIBs Installed: Hewlett-Packard_bootbank_vmware-esx-hp_vaaip_p2000_2.1.0-2 VIBs Removed: VIBs Skipped:
Successful! That seemed to work.
Take your host out of Maintenance mode and reboot your VMware host in order to load the new plugin/driver/whatever HP thinks it is, and now your ATS Datastores should be visible.
Hope this helps you,
Have fun!