Today I am creating an image for a Dell E5570 laptop over at a customer.
The image that I use has all the applications installed and working.
However, the image is meant for other computers that don’t have the same drivers
as is required for this type of machine.
In order to make this work you have to [can try to] do two things:
– Make sure the boot and capture images have the x86 driver to be able to work with the machine on x86 (I have two boot images, one to load an image, one to capture an image to the server).
– Add the x64 drivers to the image that you want to roll out.
[Note that it is best to turn off your antivirus software, or this may take ages.]
Adding x86 network drivers to boot.wim and capture.wim
Download and extract from the, or extract the drivers from the CD that comes with the E5570 laptop on a machine.
In this case these driver files are located on the CD in to following zip file:
(You can look up the location of the exact driver zip file with the tool D:\Win78\RCDMENU.EXE)
When you have unpacked the driver to your desired location, move it to the WDS server, to a folder of your choosing.
in WDS, right click driver packages, and choose add driver package.
In the window that pops up, select “Select a driver package from a folder”.
Select your folder with the x86 driver and choose next, next, next, next, finish.
In my case this was D:\E5570\LAN\production\Windows7-x86\
Now the drivers are added to the repository for the boot images.
Go to the boot and capture images in WDS, right click them and choose:
“Add driver packages to image..”
Click Next, Click Search and add the drivers to the image. Both of them.
Now you have added the network driver that is necesary for the boot and capture image to be able to use the network on your new machines.
Add the x64 drivers to the image that you roll out.
When you have an image that doesn’t have the drivers, unpack all drivers for this certain machine to a directory of your choosing.
e.g. D:\5570
Make subdirectories for each driver.
When you are done unpacking them all, mount the image that you want to roll out:
(I choose to ‘cd’ to the directory, but ofcourse you can specify a path for the image, but I do it like this:)
DISM.exe /Mount-Wim /WimFile:image.wim /index:1 /MountDir:D:\Mount\
Note that the directory “D:\Mount\” should exist.
When it’s mounted, insert the drivers into the image with:
DISM.exe /image:D:\Mount\ /add-driver /driver:D:\E5570 /recurse
This adds all the drivers into the image.
When it is done, you have to commit the changes to the image file with:
DISM.exe /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:D:\Mount\ /commit
Now you can add your image to WDS and try it out.
As it turns out, not all drivers are installed, but at least the network driver is installed, you can then install the rest of the drivers, and capture a new image for this machine.
Hope this helps you,
Have fun!
[Note: don’t forget to turn on antivirus software again]