Category Archives: raspi

Raspberry Pi3 installation and configure wlan/wifi (raspbian)

Today I’m setting up the raspi3 that I recently got from the pihut. The pi3 has wifi built in (2.4Ghz only). I use linux now, so in order to set it up with raspbian I performed the following steps. … Continue reading

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raspi raspbian compile ffmpeg

Edit: It is called avconv, duh! You can use this now: Today I’m setting up a raspi with raspbian and a raspi camera. After enabling the camera (with rapi-config as root) I wanted to test it wtih ffmpeg. Which … Continue reading

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Using Raspi and MPD as home audio player

Today I installed a raspberrypi as home player using the Music Player Daemon [mpd] again, instead of that old laptop, I might save some power. Here’s what I did. [post moved to page]

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